Posted in  Blog   on  June 19, 2022 by  OHH Admin

If you were to conduct a random poll of the general public, most people wouldn’t be able to tell you what metabolic health is.

The reason why is simple: the health advice Americans receive is wrong, and our healthcare system is built on the treatment of existing conditions rather than maintaining health to prevent illness.

For proof of this, just look around. America’s population is the fattest it has ever been, and 37% of us have metabolic syndrome – the highest percentage it’s ever been.

If you want to live a long life and stay as healthy as possible, metabolic health needs to be one of your top priorities.

What is metabolic health?

The most comprehensive definition of metabolic health is how well the body creates, manages, and directs energy.

Metabolic health is generally tracked through five factors: blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, body composition (weight), and triglyceride levels. Should three or more of these be outside normal ranges, you would be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (along with 37% of the rest of America).

Your metabolic health affects many aspects of your life, including core functions such as:

  • Hormone function and regulation
  • Blood sugar and blood pressure management
  • Overall heart strength and operation

It’s important to note that metabolic health is not the same as physical health. You can feel strong, alert, and perfectly in shape, yet still have poor metabolic health.

As you can see, metabolic health isn’t just another fad. While many people consider it to be a separate part of wellness, misaligned metabolic factors can significantly impact your quality of life – including your heart health.

How metabolic health acts as heart disease prevention

Poor metabolic health has serious consequences on the heart. It may increase existing risks for stroke, increase pressure in veins and arteries, and prevent the body from managing energy effectively. I see people all the time who are suffering from metabolic health disorders with no knowledge of its effects.

But metabolic syndrome is by no means a terminal diagnosis. In fact, misaligned metabolic factors can be significantly improved over a short period of time.

Sustained focus on metabolic health works wonders on the human body. According to recent studies, it may also encourage long-term heart disease prevention as well.

This is accomplished by:

Above all, metabolic health is key to promoting lifelong disease prevention. Restoring a healthy balance is key for limiting risk factors and putting you at the controls of your personal wellness.

Metabolic health coaching and heart health training

Metabolic health is something to work towards, and not necessarily a defined goalpost. Achieving optimal metabolic health is a process that requires several steps, not the least of which is working with a metabolic health coach.

For those unfamiliar with the term, a metabolic coach is a health professional with a deep understanding of metabolic health and overturning negative health markers. They are highly experienced in their field and have a history of working successfully to optimize the five major factors.

Unlike generic heart health training, metabolic health coaches provide groundwork for improving yourself holistically. They can help you by:

  • Identifying factors that affect your metabolic health
  • Determining a customized plan of action specifically for you
  • Providing encouragement and insight for healing

Regardless of your age, risks, and circumstances, working with a metabolic coach is a surefire way to make measurable improvements to your health.

Making a difference with a metabolic health coach

The first step in optimizing your metabolic health is finding out what your starting point is. Take my free metabolic health assessment to find out what your current numbers are, which will help you determine what steps you need to take.

Huge strides can be made to improving your metabolic health is achieved by focusing on these areas: 

  1. Eating real, whole foods
  2. Regular exercise
  3. Sleep
  4. Sun exposure

If you want to ensure you’re taking the right steps or you want to accelerate your progress by working with a coach, schedule a free call with me here.
