Take Back Your Health

Ovadia Heart Health

I’m a heart surgeon.

Let me teach you how to stay off my operating table.

Fix your metabolic health.

Control your health. Enjoy your life.

Two things are true about Americans:

Almost half suffer from at least one chronic disease.

Almost half are obese.

These two statements are not coincidental.

America is in a health crisis, and the problem is growing. The obesity rate has increased from 30% at the turn of the millennium to over 40% today, severe obesity has almost doubled in the same time, and the health of Americans gets worse each year.

If you struggle with your weight or health, you’re not alone.

And you’ve come to the right place to fix it.

As a cardiac surgeon, I see far too many people on my operating table with conditions that should have been addressed already. Most of these people could have avoided surgery.

From childhood until the age of 40, I was overweight. Today, I am healthy, fit, and never think about my weight or hunger.

By improving our metabolic health, we control our weight and significantly reduce our risk for chronic diseases. These are physical or mental conditions that last for more than a year and cause functional restrictions or require ongoing monitoring or treatment. The list includes heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.

I founded Ovadia Heart Health to help you live a healthy life and to provide a virtual clinic to people all over the world.

Enjoy the free resources I’ve included, and make sure you sign-up to receive my emails with free tips on improving your health. If you have any questions or feedback, you can email me directly.

In good health,

Dr Ovadia

Ovadia Story

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. As a child, I was always very active and participated in sports year-round. My parents always fed us a “healthy diet” straight out of the Food Pyramid.

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710 Russel Station Suite 315


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