The easiest way to prevent heart disease

If you’re going somewhere for the first time, do you check maps first or just get in your car and hope for the best?

When you want to learn about something new, do you just guess or research it?

Google receives 5.6 billion searches every day, which demonstrates that we seek out answers to things we don’t know.


Because it’s a shortcut to getting what we need. We can learn from the people who have come before us, getting the vital information we want in a fraction of the time it would take to figure it all out for ourselves.

If you want to stay healthy for as long as possible and prevent heart disease, it makes sense to find a similar shortcut.

The power of a group

Unfortunately, modern society gets almost everything wrong when it comes to health. Following the food pyramid, sitting down all day, avoiding the sun, eating processed foods and seed oils will all put you on track to my operating table.

Staying healthy requires deliberate effort, but it’s difficult to go against the grain when you feel like you’re the only one. Worst of all, it’s often met with resistance by our friends and family:

“You don’t need to lose weight!”

“One donut isn’t going to hurt.”

“Why bother? You’ll give up in a month anyway.”

“This doesn’t seem healthy.”

Trying to stand firm when you’re on your own is incredibly challenging, and it takes a lot of determination and willpower to succeed despite the pressure from those around us.

Having a group of people with the same goal changes everything. Humans are social animals and we like to share both our enjoyments and our struggles.

It’s why people join book clubs as well as organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous. Support groups inspire us, motivate us, educate us, and remove a lot of pressure by making us stop feeling like we’re alone.

The big question is: what health-focused groups are there?

There are walking and running clubs, and people often have gym partners. Food groups exist but they’re usually focused on taste and experience rather than health specifically. 

What’s out there for the person that wants to stay healthy and avoid heart disease?

The Stronger Hearts Society

For possibly the first time ever, there’s now a group dedicated to your metabolic and heart health.

Having performed more than 3,000 heart surgeries over 20 years, I’m opening my calendar to help you stay off my operating table.

Unlike my 1-1 service, The Stronger Hearts Society allows you to be around other people with the same goal. You’ll have direct access to me, and have accountability from the other members in the group.

You’ll no longer be the only person you know that’s working to get and stay healthy.

You’ll no longer be confused about what to eat, how to measure your health, and how to reach your ideal weight.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Two live calls a week – you can join each one or just when you have a specific question
  • Access to me, to ask your questions
  • My 7 principles of a stronger heart
  • A group of other people with the same goal
  • The support and accountability that only a group can provide

The doors to the Stronger Hearts Society are open now – join us and take your health into your own hands

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