
How can I Learn More About Metabolic Health?

So you’re interested in metabolic health and can see the benefits of making a change, but you’re not necessarily sure where to begin your journey. You’re certainly not alone. Millions of Americans feel the same way you do, with many struggling to find underlying reasons for their unexplained weight gain, cardiovascular diagnoses, or recent hospitalization. …

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How Important is Metabolic Health, and Why Haven’t I Heard of it?

If you were to conduct a random poll of the general public, most people wouldn’t be able to tell you what metabolic health is. The reason why is simple: the health advice Americans receive is wrong, and our healthcare system is built on the treatment of existing conditions rather than maintaining health to prevent illness. …

How Important is Metabolic Health, and Why Haven’t I Heard of it? Read More »

I Have Been Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure, What Should I do?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, has become one of the most common diagnoses in the United States. Nearly one in two adults struggle with high blood pressure, and this number only continues to rise. To make matters worse, hypertension is an invisible illness. About 20% of Americans are unaware they suffer from it, although 1,000 …

I Have Been Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure, What Should I do? Read More »

Best exercises to improve your cardiovascular health

Many of us have been told that we need to get more exercise. While this is true, choosing movement that enhances our cardiovascular health is important. Failing to set aside time for movement could have serious implications on heart health: 35% of coronary heart mortalities are associated with physical inactivity. Focusing on exercise is one …

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