
Telling the difference between good and bad fats in your diet

Would you like to hear some good news? If so, I have some: Eating for heart disease prevention is not difficult. Read that again if you need to: it is neither difficult nor complicated to eat foods that protect you from heart disease. In fact, it can be achieved by following one incredibly simple rule, …

Telling the difference between good and bad fats in your diet Read More »

Does heart disease run in your family? Here’s what you can do to minimize risk

Every day, I see patients with heart disease, or suspected of having it. And the most tragic thing is that many of them think it’s inevitable.  Some are unaware of how lifestyle choices impact their risk, but others believe that their genetic makeup has doomed them to suffering from heart disease anyway and there’s no …

Does heart disease run in your family? Here’s what you can do to minimize risk Read More »

The important link between mental health and heart health

Heart disease is responsible for a quarter of all deaths in the United States. As that statistic shows, it continues to be a devastatingly common disease, and there’s an important need for health health training. Many of the leading causes and risk factors of heart disease are well known, including; High blood pressure Diabetes Obesity …

The important link between mental health and heart health Read More »

A guide to reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is an umbrella term that includes all heart-related illnesses along with some other conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). There are four main forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD): Aortic valve disease Coronary disease Peripheral arterial disease Stroke  In this article, I’ll explain how to reduce your risk of developing CVD and potential …

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How workplace stress management can improve your employees’ heart health

The link between stress and heart-related illness has long been recognized, especially its relation to sudden heart attacks.  This is why learning how to manage stress is an essential element of heart health training for anyone that wants to live a long and healthy life. A good first step is to look at sources of …

How workplace stress management can improve your employees’ heart health Read More »

How the AHA’s 2021 dietary guidelines continue to fail us

In my time as a heart surgeon I have seen that the most common cause of heart disease in my patients is diet. And it troubles me to think that I was almost in the same situation. Despite following the official guidelines for a ‘healthy balanced diet,’ my weight was increasing and my health deteriorating, …

How the AHA’s 2021 dietary guidelines continue to fail us Read More »

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