Group Coaching for Employees

Is your health costing you a promotion?

Typical advice for career progression focuses on learning new skills and interview preparation. This is good advice, but in 2019 American businesses lost over $500 billion due to absences and lost productivity due to illnesses.

Put it this way: if you were the boss, would you promote the vibrant, healthy person always delivering good work, or the person with low energy levels, lower productivity, and who takes more sick days?

Unfortunately, 88% of all adults and less than a third of people at a normal weight meet the five standards of optimal metabolic health. Being metabolically unhealthy can lead to:

- Lack of energy, mental fog, tiredness

- Lower productivity levels, making you less effective and less likely to receive promotions

- Decreased quality of professional relationships

- More sick days and absence from work

- Chronic disease

- Lost years of working

Fixing your health can change your life

I’m Dr Philip Ovadia, a heart surgeon specializing in metabolic health. I teach people how to stay off my operating table.

Metabolic health refers to the body’s ability to utilize the foods we eat to perform vital functions like repair cells, provide energy, and protect us from chronic diseases including diabetes and heart disease.

A lot of people tell me that they’re healthy because they control their weight or exercise, but the truth is exercise can’t overcome a bad diet. A good exercise regime will help you control your weight and like your reflection in the mirror, but it can’t fully make up for eating the wrong foods.

Food affects our cells, our blood, and our hormone levels. It also plays an important role in the quality of our sleep.

Here’s the good news: poor metabolic health can be fixed with some simple steps.

Introducing metabolic health coaching for businesses

My coaching program offers group sessions to business owners and employees.

The program lasts for 3 or 6 months, either in-person or over Zoom.

You will discover what metabolic health is, how to assess your current levels, and how to optimize your health.

As a result of participating in the program, you can expect:

- More energy and mental alertness

- Fewer sick days

- Increased productivity

- Higher quality of professional relationships

To discover more about the program and what it can do for your career, please complete the form below and we’ll be in touch to answer any questions and provide further details.

Jason Swartzman

Creative Director

Susan Whiting

Senior Copyrighter

Frank Simons

Sound Mixer & DJ

Mary Jane Strode

Head of PR 

Some of our guys

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