Metabolic Syndrome Calculator

Welcome to your Metabolic Syndrome Calculator



Is your waist circumference greater than 102 cm?

Is your waist circumference greater than 80 cm?

Do you know your fasting glucose (blood sugar)?

Are you taking any medications to lower your blood glucose or to treat diabetes?

Is your fasting glucose (mg/dl) greater than 100?

Do you know your triglyceride level?

Is your triglyceride level (mg/dl) greater than 149 ?

Do you know your HDL level?

Is your HDL level (mg/dl) less than 40?

Is your HDL level (mg/dl) less than 50?

Do you know your blood pressure?

Are you taking any medications to lower your blood pressure or to treat hypertension?

Choose waist circumference unit (cm or inches)

Is your waist circumference greater than 40 inches?

Is your waist circumference greater than 35 inches?

Choose height unit of measure (cm or inches)

Is your systolic blood pressure (top number) greater than 130 mm/Hg?

Is you diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) greater than 85 mm/Hg?

Is you diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) greater than 85 mm/Hg?

To get a sense of how metabolically healthy you are, 

use the free

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