Metabolic Health Program

A unique program that addresses the underlying causes of poor metabolic health

Our Approach

Nearly all chronic disease can be attributed to poor metabolic health. Metabolic health refers to our body’s ability to properly utilize the energy inputs we give it via the foods we eat. Unfortunately, the modern food environment consisting of processed foods with large amounts of sugars and refined carbohydrates combined with manufactured seed and vegetable oils interferes with proper metabolic function. Standard medical treatment is to use medications to treat the resulting diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease

Our program takes a different approach. We will educate you on dietary and lifestyle interventions that will address the underlying causes of these conditions, poor metabolic health. In many cases, this will allow patients to discontinue or avoid the need for medication. Additionally, we will work together to help you experience better overall health and greater well- being. If you are disappointed with the results you have gotten with standard medical care and standard dietary advice, let us educate you about alternatives that are available.

The personal insight that Dr. Ovadia has gained during his own battle to overcome obesity along with the experience he has gained during many years as a cardiac surgeon will be invaluable in assisting you on your own journey to optimize your health. Dr. Ovadia has spent thousands of hours researching and analyzing the latest science on metabolic health. He believes that empowering people with the proper information is the best way to assist them as they seek out their best possible life and health.

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