heart health

10 Ways Business Owners Can Improve Employee Health

Healthcare costs are out of control — but inflation isn’t the only culprit. A look at the aging American population and increased chronic disease makes it clear that deteriorating metabolic health is chipping away at our time, money, and lifespans. Today, 86% of US medical expenses are spent on chronic illness alone. This dire situation …

10 Ways Business Owners Can Improve Employee Health Read More »

Medications aren’t the only way to treat chronic disease

Medications are often viewed as the one and only way to treat chronic medical conditions. This is one of the most common medical myths I hear. Pills, tablets, and non-habitual syrups are not cures — while they have their place, for many people they are simply surface-level comforts that dull symptoms temporarily. And relying on …

Medications aren’t the only way to treat chronic disease Read More »

Best exercises to improve your cardiovascular health

Many of us have been told that we need to get more exercise. While this is true, choosing movement that enhances our cardiovascular health is important. Failing to set aside time for movement could have serious implications on heart health: 35% of coronary heart mortalities are associated with physical inactivity. Focusing on exercise is one …

Best exercises to improve your cardiovascular health Read More »

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