heart health

Can stress increase your risk of developing heart disease?

Avoiding heart disease is a goal for a lot of people, and they take intentional steps that they think will reduce their risk. Steps like eating ‘heart-healthy’ cereals to reduce their cholesterol, avoiding fats, and trying to fit exercise into their schedule. While the chosen methods may not be the healthiest, exercise and a healthy …

Can stress increase your risk of developing heart disease? Read More »

How to create achievable goals to help you on your heart health journey

Here’s some much-needed positive news: improving heart health does not have to be as complex or intimidating as many people believe. By taking simple steps each day, you can lower your risk of heart disease and chronic illness considerably. One of the easiest ways to do this is to set SMART goals. Unlike a typical …

How to create achievable goals to help you on your heart health journey Read More »

The important link between mental health and heart health

Heart disease is responsible for a quarter of all deaths in the United States. As that statistic shows, it continues to be a devastatingly common disease, and there’s an important need for health health training. Many of the leading causes and risk factors of heart disease are well known, including; High blood pressure Diabetes Obesity …

The important link between mental health and heart health Read More »

How workplace stress management can improve your employees’ heart health

The link between stress and heart-related illness has long been recognized, especially its relation to sudden heart attacks.  This is why learning how to manage stress is an essential element of heart health training for anyone that wants to live a long and healthy life. A good first step is to look at sources of …

How workplace stress management can improve your employees’ heart health Read More »

How the AHA’s 2021 dietary guidelines continue to fail us

In my time as a heart surgeon I have seen that the most common cause of heart disease in my patients is diet. And it troubles me to think that I was almost in the same situation. Despite following the official guidelines for a ‘healthy balanced diet,’ my weight was increasing and my health deteriorating, …

How the AHA’s 2021 dietary guidelines continue to fail us Read More »

Forget superfoods. Here are the top 3 foods to eliminate to improve your heart health

By now we’ve all heard the term ‘superfoods’ and their supposed value when it comes to things like cancer and heart disease prevention. But what exactly is a ‘superfood’? How do they work? The answer is, they don’t. The term ‘superfood’ is often used to describe foods that are nutritionally dense or thought to reduce …

Forget superfoods. Here are the top 3 foods to eliminate to improve your heart health Read More »

5 Lifestyle mistakes that are stopping you from maintaining a healthy heart

Does heart disease manifest immediately, or over time? Because it often presents itself suddenly – like a heart attack – many people assume that heart disease develops rapidly. But that’s not the case. Often, it’s been slowly building for the past decade. As the symptoms for heart disease can vary widely, it’s very easy to …

5 Lifestyle mistakes that are stopping you from maintaining a healthy heart Read More »

Strategies to prevent heart disease

When it comes to the topic of improving cardiovascular health, there is a lot of conflicting information. Everywhere you look there are celebrities promoting supplements and fad diets, and companies advertising their heavily processed foods as ‘healthy.’ With nutrition barely playing a role in medical training, it’s no surprise that opinions differ even among doctors. …

Strategies to prevent heart disease Read More »

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