metabolic disease

The connection between metabolic health and heart disease

Most Americans don’t realize how much metabolic health impacts their hearts. In fact, we’ve reached a point where feeling unwell is just a normal part of daily life, and not a warning sign of things to come. There are countless studies connecting metabolic health and heart disease. Thankfully, it’s mostly good news — many diseases …

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How Important is Metabolic Health, and Why Haven’t I Heard of it?

If you were to conduct a random poll of the general public, most people wouldn’t be able to tell you what metabolic health is. The reason why is simple: the health advice Americans receive is wrong, and our healthcare system is built on the treatment of existing conditions rather than maintaining health to prevent illness. …

How Important is Metabolic Health, and Why Haven’t I Heard of it? Read More »

I Have Been Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure, What Should I do?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, has become one of the most common diagnoses in the United States. Nearly one in two adults struggle with high blood pressure, and this number only continues to rise. To make matters worse, hypertension is an invisible illness. About 20% of Americans are unaware they suffer from it, although 1,000 …

I Have Been Diagnosed With High Blood Pressure, What Should I do? Read More »

The difference between health and metabolic health

Did you know it’s possible to be slim and active, but still be unhealthy – and at risk for heart disease? Only 12.2% of American adults are considered metabolically healthy. You could be eating plenty of heart-healthy meals and working out more than an hour each day, yet still be metabolically unhealthy. That’s because although …

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A guide to reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is an umbrella term that includes all heart-related illnesses along with some other conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). There are four main forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD): Aortic valve disease Coronary disease Peripheral arterial disease Stroke  In this article, I’ll explain how to reduce your risk of developing CVD and potential …

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How metabolic health coaching reduces employee sick days

As businesses can only be as good as the staff they employ, it makes financial sense to look after your team. After all, if they’re unwell or unhappy then they won’t be able to produce their best work. This has been broadly acknowledged over the years, with ‘wellbeing’ becoming a recent buzzword. While the intention …

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