Physician Vetting Guide

Get a Doctor Who Gets It:

Dr. Ovadia’s Physician Vetting Guide

Does your doctor or healthcare provider believe the
Twelve Myths of Metabolic Health?

Get your free guide

Hi, I’m Dr. Philip Ovadia, and I used to be a fat heart surgeon. Then I challenged what I thought I knew, lost 100 lbs and kept it off, and now I help people like you get heart healthy so they have more energy, better digestion, and reduce their risk of heart attacks.

What you will learn from this guide:

Learn the 12 Myths of Metabolic Health

Does your healthcare provider believe these 12 myths?

Is your physician commited to your metabolic health?

Or do they get annoyed that you’re asking too many questions?

Do they see the relationship between obesity and chronic disease?

Or do they look to pharmaceutical treatments first?

What healthcare metrics are they following closely?

What lab work do they find important?

“Stay off My Operating Table is a must-read. This is the book for any physician or patient who wants to prevent disease if possible and to otherwise improve outcomes. Dr. Ovadia understands the central role metabolic health plays in the body, knowledge which enables him to keep potential future cardiac patients off his operating table. I am sharing this book with other doctors at the USC Keck School of Medicine so they can learn how diet affects everything we do in medicine.”

Robert Lufkin, MD,

Chief of Head Neck Imaging/Neuroradiology, Prohealth Advanced Imaging Network & Clinical Professor of Radiology, USC Keck School of Medicine

Ask the right questions and work with a doctor who “gets it” with my Physician Vetting Guide.

Get your free guide

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