Employee Wellness Programs

How Much Is Poor Metabolic Health Costing You?

Absences and lost productivity due to illness cost American businesses an average $3,900 per employee in 2019. The total exceeded $500 billion.

If you’re a business owner with ten employees, that’s an average of $39,000 per year you might be losing.

What could you accomplish with an extra $39,000 in profit per year?

These numbers only address staff who took time off work. That doesn’t include other ways poor employee health costs

businesses money, such as:

  1. Chronic fatigue
  2. Stress
  3. Mental fog
  4. Extra breaks
  5. Poor concentration
  6. Medication issues
  7. Decreased quality of professional relationships

Just because someone is at their desk doesn’t mean their health isn’t costing you money.

This is bad news for business owners but also for executives and employees. You could be losing hard-earned money every month because of poor health and not even know it. And if you experience chronic health issues, the money you earn might be drained away into medical bills.

Poor health can lead employees to experience:

  1. Chronic disease.
  2. Decreased earnings.
  3. Lost years of working and lower social security benefits.
  4. Lower productivity levels, making you less effective and less likely to receive promotions.

Poor health hits both sides of the office door and costs everyone a fortune. If you want to protect your profits and your quality of life, you’ve got to address your business health concerns.

Think your team is healthy? Almost half of Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease and 88 percent do not meet all the criteria for optimal metabolic health, making it likely that several people on your team are in poor metabolic health.

If you think you can identify who’s healthy and unhealthy by their weight, think again. Being thin or even fit is no guarantee of being healthy, and I’ve performed heart surgery on many people in the normal weight range. In fact, less than a third of people at a normal weight meet the five standards of optimal metabolic health!

The truth is, exercise can’t overcome a bad diet. A good exercise regimen will help you control your weight and feel proud of how you look in the mirror. But an active lifestyle can’t make up for the wrong foods. And those unseen problems add up over the years to major health issues.

Protect your bottom line by addressing metabolic health.

I’m Dr. Philip Ovadia, Heart Surgeon and Metabolic Health Advocate.

I teach people how to stay off my operating table.

Metabolic health refers to the body’s ability to utilize the foods we eat to perform vital functions like repair cells, provide energy, and protect us from chronic diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Food affects our cells, our blood, and our hormone levels. It also plays an important role in the quality of our sleep.

That’s why, besides performing open-heart surgery, I also coach business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs in improving their metabolic health. Keeping your body at optimal health is a competitive advantage no executive or business owner can ignore. Yet many founders have habits that do not support metabolic health, like a lack of focus on sleep or nutrition. And many business owners are so driven they do not notice their body warning them until it’s too late and they’re forced to take months off of work for costly treatments or surgery. They lose a fortune by not taking care of themselves.

Anyone who drinks twelve cups of coffee just to stay at their competitive best and focus on their work is actually struggling with poor metabolic health. Your body shouldn’t need that much stimulant just to operate. I can show your company how to improve their health so they don’t need the coffee anymore. That will help them avoid the rise and fall of caffeine crashes during their day.

In fact, excellent metabolic health provides a ton of benefits every business owner and executive should be thrilled about. Because it’s not just for the top levels of the company. I also provide training for entire companies to bring the staff up to better health levels. That translates to fewer sick days, potentially lower insurance costs, and happier and healthier employees. Profits are highest when employees aren’t slumped over at their desk scrolling social media because they can’t focus on their work. Metabolic health can get them feeling better and back in the game to maximize earnings and improve customer service.

I’ve written a book about my metabolic health methods called Stay off My Operating Table®: A Heart Surgeon’s Guide to Optimizing Your Metabolic Health and Avoiding Chronic Disease. Yes, I literally wrote the book on metabolic health. It’s a clear guide anyone can use to turn their health around, even if they’ve already had a heart attack. Or if they’re a driven business owner who’s let their health deteriorate for the sake of growing their company.

Stay Off My Operating Table® shares the truth about metabolic health so people struggling with chronic disease, heart problems, and obesity can finally discover what’s been holding them back and keeping them sick. And it can teach any executive or business owner how to optimize their health to improve their own performance. That’s a competitive edge no one can ignore. And it will keep you alive longer too, while giving you better energy and mobility in your later years. Who doesn’t want that?

What I’ve done for myself and my patients, I can do for your employees and your business. I distill the essence of my groundbreaking book down into six targeted sessions to give your company optimized metabolic health. That sets you up with a major competitive edge and prevents you from bleeding money or losing your whole life savings when your health crashes due to secretly poor health.

Introducing Metabolic Health Coaching For Businesses

My coaching program offers group sessions to businesses who want healthy, happy, and productive employees. The program includes six telehealth sessions, with additional workshops and seminars available. All are conducted via telehealth but in-person sessions are available to companies looking for a more intimate approach.

The six coaching sessions cover:

  1. What is metabolic health and why is it important?
  2. Measuring metabolic health via the seven principles of metabolic health
  3. The role of exercise and other lifestyle practices, plus tools to monitor metabolic health
  4. How to change your health and sustain those changes for life
  5. How to work and talk with physicians, friends, and family about your metabolic health changes
  6. Additional tips, final health assessments, and planning for long-term success

After this program, you can expect:

  1. Fewer sick days
  2. Increased productivity
  3. A healthier workforce
  4. More stable professional relationships that aren’t impacted by dietary or medical issues
  5. Decreased medication, medical care, and insurance costs for individuals and the company

Who Benefits from Metabolic Health Coaching?

Metabolic health coaching is not just for international corporations. I’ve consulted with a wide range of individuals including:

  1. Small business owners
  2. Entrepreneurs
  3. Chief Operating Officers
  4. HR Directors
  5. Wellness Program Directors

If you worry that metabolic health is affecting your bottom line, book a free call with me today. Let’s talk about how we can protect your company and improve the lives of you and your employees for decades to come.

Talk to Dr. Ovadia about Metabolic Health

Schedule your complimentary 15-minute telehealth call with a member of our team.

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