Posted in  Blog   on  September 25, 2022 by  OHH Admin

We’ve all thought about ‘getting healthier’ at some point in our lives. But as we get lost in a sea of green smoothies and viral wellness trends, we find ourselves neglecting a critical component of wellness: metabolic health.

Today, 71% of Americans say they are in excellent health. However, just 12% of the population is actually metabolically healthy — a disturbing statistic and a worrying insight that most people don’t even know they’re unhealthy.

The truth is that health and metabolic health are not the same thing. While health is the ‘umbrella’ that refers to your condition, metabolic health is the ‘handle’ that holds it all together.

We don’t usually notice our metabolics until our health goes south. When things get out of sorts, the results can be life altering — and not in a good way.

And the sooner you understand why, the sooner you can do something about it.

What is metabolic health?

You’re familiar with metabolism to at least some degree. You know it has something to do with weight and can possibly impact your health, but you’re probably unsure about how it applies to your overall wellness — yet another failing of the American health system.

In a nutshell, metabolic health is a measure of how well your body processes and uses energy. It tracks how well your body uses food to nourish its cells, and how efficiently it stores said energy for future use.

In other words, metabolic health is a measure of how well your body converts the food you eat into the energy it needs to function.

There are five key indicators of metabolic health:

  1. Central obesity (waist circumference)
  2. Blood sugar levels
  3. Blood pressure 
  4. HDL Cholesterol levels
  5. Triglyceride levels

A healthy metabolism encourages you to partake in the things you love, all while functioning optimally both physically and mentally. It gives you the energy you need to live an active lifestyle and assists your vital organs with daily functions.

Unfortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule for the average American. If any one of your metabolic health factors becomes abnormal, you may start to notice a sharp downturn in certain areas of your health.

And before long, this snowball effect will impact virtually every aspect of your wellbeing.

Why metabolic health matters

Metabolic health isn’t just a piece of the wellness puzzle. Instead, it’s a pillar of wellbeing that empowers all other aspects of our health.

This isn’t dramatics. Researchers increasingly find correlations between lagging metabolisms and physical health, mental clarity, and emotional stress — none of which can be fixed by green smoothies or the latest wellness fad.

For example, poor metabolics can significantly increase your weight and body fat, and heighten your risks for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Metabolic health also affects intelligence, memory, and mental awareness. Studies have found correlations between people with metabolic syndrome and cognitive decline, eventually leading to dementia, schizophrenia, and other serious illnesses.

The metabolism also plays a role in our mental health. People with metabolic syndrome are more likely to experience anxiety and depression, and have a harder time bouncing back from stress at work or school.

But that isn’t the biggest reason your metabolics are so important.

I’ll be blunt: your metabolic health matters because it’s the cornerstone of your longevity.

Studies consistently point toward an alarming drop in longevity — with dyslipidemia, diabetes, and heart disease claiming millions of lives each year. With so many of these inherently linked to metabolic health, it’s no wonder that our lifespan is on the decline.

If you want to live the longest, happiest, and healthiest life possible, ignoring metabolics is no longer an option.

And neither is working on it alone.

Preventing heart disease with metabolic health coaching

It’s clear that unhealthy metabolics can set off a domino effect on our health. 

Today, 53% of Americans admit they’re living an unhealthy lifestyle — they just don’t know where to start digging out of their rut. And with thousands of competing sources and billions of suggestions from a single Google search, it’s no wonder we’re all so confused.

For a topic as sensitive as metabolics, it’s best not to walk the path alone. Achieving metabolic health is a journey rather than a destination, and working alongside professionals for support is the best way to maintain results.

Metabolic health coaching is an excellent place to begin. Seasoned professionals can provide greater insight into your own health, as well as plenty of guidelines and advice to follow as you address underlying factors.

If you’re looking to partner with a metabolic coach or are simply curious about metabolic health as a concept, I’d be happy to explore with you. You can schedule a complimentary call with me at any time, or read more about metabolic health in my book, Stay Off My Operating Table.
