Posted in  Blog   on  September 7, 2020 by  admin

Dr. Philip Ovadia is the featured guest of LowCarbMD Podcast Episode 133.

Dr. Ovadia is a cardiothoracic surgeon who has seen impressive results using a low-carb dietary intervention with his patients. Having personally struggled with obesity, Dr. Ovadia realized he had to make a change and needed an answer to his weight problem. That answer came in the form of the low-carb lifestyle which he discovered after attending a lecture by Gary Taubes. Dr. Ovadia has sustainably lost approximately 100 pounds through his adoption of the low carb lifestyle.

LowCarbMD co-hosts Dr. Brian Lenzkes and Dr. Tro Kalayjian discuss with Dr. Ovadia the causes of heart disease, the metabolic markers for heart disease, the appropriate time and place for the usage of statin drugs vs. lifestyle change, and the role that insulin resistance plays in virtually all chronic diseases.

Low Carb MD is a patient-centered podcast focusing on weight loss, wellness and preventative medicine. The co-hosts, Dr. Lenzkes and Dr. Tro interview a new guest on each episode and walk listeners through how practitioners approach weight loss, wellness and disease reversal with their patients. The show also frequently features patient success stories. The podcast’s episodes have been downloaded nearly 2.5 million times.

