The benefits of online heart health consultation

Video communication has risen sharply, particularly during the pandemic-related lockdowns. Business meetings, networking events, school lessons, university lectures and training courses have all embraced it.

Telehealth sessions are also a core part of Ovadia Heart Health, and if you’re interested in improving your heart health then an online consultation may be the place to start.

As I’ve written on this blog before, there’s a lot of confusion around heart health. You can find conflicting information on what causes heart disease, how to lower your risk, and ways of improving heart health.

This confusion isn’t always cleared up by your doctor either. Doctors aren’t taught much about nutrition in medical school, so unless yours has made a specific effort to learn about it on their own, you’re unlikely to get reliable answers from them.

That’s one of the clear benefits to online heart health consultations: you can talk to a specialist and get the clarity you need.

The importance of heart disease prevention

Although there are various treatment options to help people recover from heart disease, that shouldn’t make you complacent about it. The truth is, heart disease is nasty. While your odds of survival are higher than ever, it’s still a long, painful, and life-altering recovery.

The first thing to remember is that not everybody will survive. Some people suffer a massive heart attack without any warning or symptoms. One minute they’re walking around, seemingly healthy, and in the next moment they’re gone.

This is the reality for thousands of Americans each year. So the first reason to focus on heart disease prevention is you may not get the chance to receive treatment.

Of those that do survive, life isn’t the same for a while.

If you require surgery, you can expect to spend about a week in hospital plus an additional two days in the ICU. When you’re released from hospital, you’re looking at a recovery period of up to 12 weeks. During this time you’re instructed to avoid lifting anything above 10lbs, and that’s a very restrictive weight. You won’t be able to carry heavy grocery bags, you’re limited to what you can do around the home, and it even stops you from picking up your grandchildren.

In addition to this, you’ll probably feel tired more often and need to nap during the day. You’ll be unable to drive for at least a month, and the risk of blood clots means you can’t fly for about a month either. You’ll also be on medication for the rest of your life, including statins, blood pressure tablets, and aspirin.

Unfortunately, recovery isn’t the same for everyone. Some people never recover fully, and that means no flying ever – period.

Even after all that, the typical lifespan for a person who undergoes heart surgery is lower compared to another person.

Many areas of medicine focus more on treatment than prevention, but as the above shows, it’s far better to focus on heart disease prevention than to rely on treatment.

Why choose an online heart health consultation

A telehealth heart health consultation is a chance for you to discuss any worries you may have about your cardiovascular health. 

Unlike in-person visits, you aren’t limited to doctors in your local area. Likewise, you avoid commutes and delays in waiting rooms. You can take advice from specialists instead of generalists, and discuss your specific personal health matters. For example, in my telehealth sessions, we discuss your metabolic health numbers to see where you currently are and what steps you should take to optimize your health – for improving heart health and longevity.

An online heart health consultation is also your opportunity to talk about fears you may have, questions to overcome the confusion around health and heart disease, and any symptoms you may have had. Symptoms for cardiovascular disease can either be non-existent, or be easily overlooked as being something else. Those symptoms can include:

  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Brain Fog
  • Swollen ankles

Telehealth consultations can also be used to obtain a second opinion. Maybe you’ve already spoken to a cardiologist or your doctor and you want to hear another opinion. In many cases, this is a good idea and online consultations allow you to get input from someone with the specialism regardless of their location.

You can take advantage of the tech revolution in medicine right now. Book a free call with me here and at the end, you’ll have a personalized action plan to prevent or reverse disease and feel your best.

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